Monday, September 30, 2013

April's Fitness Journey: a Story of Resilience

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“It was embarrassing to say the least.” That’s how April describes her first training session with a trainer at her local gym; “I couldn't even hold a single pull-up position.” 

Growing up athletic and slim, her body changed following several pregnancies and a busy career. April’s weight had been on a roller coaster ride, continuously gaining and losing weight for 10 years; “I've followed countless diets and started various cardiovascular programs that helped me lose [weight], but then I would get distracted by life, lose sight of goals I would set and before I knew it I would have gained all the weight back and some;” an all too familiar story of many who aim to lose weight.

The mother of three teenagers had to act as she realized the impact it had on her life; “I had wanted change for a long time but it wasn't until seeing my mother’s health deteriorate because of her weight problems and my own inability to complete strength required tasks. For the first time the idea that I wanted to be strong not just slim came about.”

April weighed as much as 172 lbs standing at 5’4” with a dress size of 16. She attempted to consume diet pills and shake replacement meals, only to fall back on the same old path of eating convenient junk foods.

“I had quit so many times before I was definitely afraid of failing.”

April never gave into the fear of failure but something had to change.

The Turning Point

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The hard-working mother signed up for a local gym, which included an introduction session; “he [the trainer] booked a day to show me around and then accidentally double booked that appointment.” Luck had struck upon April as the trainer pushed her in the right direction, giving her a few lessons, showing her workouts while remaining available for guidance.

Motivation filled April as she became attracted to the fitness realm and the progress that followed; “Once I outgrew what he [the trainer] showed me I started doing a lot of online research. I would copy a routine down, watch the videos on how to and take it to the gym."

That initial spark paved the way for her as she became goal oriented and determined – key factors for a successful fitness journey; ”I’d do monthly goals; crunches, push ups, and miles I could run.“

“… I had a lot of experience in failing so when I started for my last time I decided I wasn't going to be a quitter.”

In doing so, April constantly progressed. Following a few months of eating healthy April had dropped to a size 13 while weighing in at 161 lbs by March of 2012. But that wasn't enough. As September, 2012, rolled around she was down to 135 lbs.

April made substantial life changes outside of the gym as well, which included avoiding fast food at all costs and preparing all meals prior to the start of the week.

She also committed an hour five or six times every week to exercise, regardless of outside influences; “as a mother it seems everyone else needs my time. I found it necessary to treat my workout time as if there was no other choice. I schedule it like I scheduled work.”

April signed up for local competitions to keep on track, continuing the trend of being goal-oriented. “. I took 2nd place in a workplace biggest loser competition.”

She even completed a 5K race in the spring – a remarkable achievement considering how far she had come from being unable to perform a single pull-up hold.

Even this successful weight loss story hit a few roadblocks as April struggled to keep focused, citing a lack of support from family and friends as main reasons, which turned her to the internet;

“I found the Fitfam! [#FitFam on Twitter] I can honestly say I owe a lot of my success to this social media family. It has connected me with so many others with similar goals and obstacles. It is nice to know there are others that appreciate the hard work and determination it takes to transform yourself. I find myself, often just before meals or gym time, browsing my FitFam timeline, soaking in the motivation.”

“ … I find myself working harder and lifting heavier to make my Fitfam proud.”

The Rewards have been life changing

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The idea of being strong, not just skinny, fueled her as she dropped from 135 lbs and a body fat percentage of 34 in the fall of 2012, to a staggering 20%, a size 2 while weighing 115 lbs at present time.

“…I switched my routine around to more weight lifting; that’s when I saw a major impact on my body’s shape and body fat % loss.”

Not only did her appearance improve, but her overall life changed dramatically; “It’s amazing how much more energy I have. My schedule is packed beyond belief but I don’t feel overwhelmed or exhausted. It’s like I finally have balance in my life and everything goes much smoother … my moods have improved tremendously; I feel like I’m truly a happier person.”

And the changes don’t go unnoticed; “I've had a few [people] who have asked for my help; that has been the greatest feeling.”

April’s Tips

The mindset of this inspiring fitness enthusiast is very clear; “Don’t quit.”

“Accept that it is not a temporary diet - that it is a lifetime commitment …find ways to keep yourself motivated.”

April recommends five or six smaller meals a day of lean meats, vegetables and fruit. She prepares all food over the weekend, making eating convenient and available whenever she needs it.

According to her, and many fitness gurus, research is vital; “research is imperative! I’m constantly switching things up, to find out what works for me.”

“Beware though, there are so many myths and different opinions out there; it can be very confusing.”

Setting new goals also keeps progress up; “It seems the closer I am to reaching a goal, another one takes shape. I just want more and more because I believe in myself and I want to prove I can do it.”

April also used the #FitFam as a way of being held accountable for her progress, thriving on their support; a great way to stay on track.

Try out April's current workout routine below

Start each work out session by doing a 10 minute warm up.

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You can follow April's fitness journey on Twitter by clicking right here.

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Sunday, September 22, 2013

From Crack Cocaine to NFL Touchdowns: a Story of Priorities

Kenbrell Thompkins was born with a talent for football, but unfortunately not all aspects of his life were equally blessed.

Born into the care of a single parent, his mother who had two jobs and five other siblings to raise in a highly crime-filled neighborhood of Miami, FL, Kenbrell quickly fell into the norms of his surroundings. Drugs and gang related violence were quickly a part of life.

Despite his impressive abilities on the football field, big-time college football programs steered in the opposite direction of Thompkins, who had been expelled from his high school and arrested numerous times. Clearly the wide receiver had suffered from the poor influences around him as he spent his spare time selling drugs and getting into trouble.

Thompkins had been arrested on seven different occasions by the time he was 18, one resulting in a 28-day jail sentence for selling crack cocaine, a drug of choice for residents in his neighborhood.

After shuffling back and forth between being on the street, in jail, expelled or suspended from school, Morgan State University attempted to lure Kenbrell to their football program, offering the football standout an athletic scholarship.

The troubled teen accepted, but neglected to pursue the opportunity; clearly his priorities were elsewhere.

That’s until his younger brother secured a scholarship to play football for the University of Miami.

With the right mindset and renewed passion, his new journey began as he enrolled at a junior college in California named El Camino College.

Following scores of touchdown catches at the junior college level and a respectable GPA, major football programs all over the country pursued the talented wide out. He decided to attend the University of Tennessee but withdrew his letter of intent following a coaching change.

Thompkins at U. of Cincinnati. 
That’s when Antonio Brown, a cousin of Kenbrell and successful NFL player, stepped in. Brown arranged a meeting with the head coach at the University of Cincinnati, paving the way for a transfer to the Ohio based University.

Poor quarterbacking led to a less than stellar stint with the University of Cincinnati, and Thompkins eventually went unpicked in the NFL draft.

His track record with the police had scared teams away, but that didn't stop him; Kenbrell had worked hard at Cincinnati earning good grades and staying out of trouble, evading any further encounters with law enforcement.

Workouts with several NFL teams eventually led to an active roster spot with the New England Patriots and a three-year contract.

Today, Kenbrell Thompkins caught his first and second NFL touchdown passes from Tom Brady.

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Monday, September 16, 2013

Key to Success: Make it a Priority

All too often we see people engaging in new goals, striving to accomplish something, only to reach failure rather quickly.

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The answer lies in your priorities.

If you don't make it one of the most important things in life you probably won't achieve it.

You have to love it and embrace it. Keep reminding yourself of how important that goal is for you to achieve. If you set out to obtain something you need to ask yourself why you are doing it and how it can benefit your life.

How vital is this for my life and what value does it add?

I can come up with plenty of excuses as to why I don't want to work out tomorrow. I can think of many other things I'd rather do than read up on news in my industry. But I don't cave into them. Why? Because I made them a priority over fun, laziness, bad moods and desire.

Jesse Levine almost killed himself in a car accident but still managed to build up an impressive physique - with one leg!


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Monday, September 9, 2013

Speeding Up the Recovery Process

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During a period of increased soreness beyond the norm it could be a great idea to support the body in its recovery process.

Recovering quickly from a workout can aid the growth process and help get ready for the next bout of exercise.

So, what can I do to speed up this process?

Follow the tips below!

A healthy diet is the first step in recovering quickly. Your muscles are in dire need of proper nutrition, specifically protein. During a time of extreme soreness, it's vital to up the protein intake. I suggest reaching your body weight in grams of protein every day. If you weigh 150 lbs you have to reach 150 grams of protein per day. This is the bare minimum; for increased results up the intake even further.

Rolling muscles over a foam roller is an excellent method to release acidity. The stiffness and soreness you feel is in part due to this acidity. By massaging your muscles you are releasing the tension and helping the blood flow.

Dynamic and static stretching are powerful methods to aid the recovery process. Dynamic stretching is exercise performed with movement. This type of stretching is always part of the warm up as static stretching, stretching with no movement, temporarily weakens tendons and could lead to injury. Static stretching is therefore done after a workout, while dynamic stretching is done before. Both aim to increase blood flow and reduce acidity in the muscles.

If you're experiencing uncomfortable soreness in your legs a light session of biking or walking of 10 minutes can help reduce the annoying side effects of muscle breakdown. Adjust the level to '1' on the bike and go at a slow pace. The goal is just to get the blood to pump through your legs - not to put further strain on the muscles.

Sleeping is another vital factor in recovery. The body grows when it is fast a sleep, so make sure you have to time sleep 8 hours every night.


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The Sweating Ab Circuit

Try this ab circuit for as many rounds as you can. Perform each exercise obtaining the number of repetitions with as little rest as possible. If you need to rest, aim for 5-10 seconds and then try again.

It will be challenging for just about anyone, but don't worry; i'ts supposed to be!

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Click on the exercises below for illustrations:

Saturday, September 7, 2013

4 Week Full-Body Workout Program

Fitness enthusiasts opt to train their body according to one of the well-known training routines, perhaps without considering that other methods may reap more benefits.

A full body workout presents a less popular method of training, but also one your body may not be accustomed to - which is a great thing. Confusing your muscles, avoiding adaptation, is a vital component in continued progression. So why not try another routine for 4 weeks that does exactly that?

It also saves time. With a full-body workout program, you will only need to hit the gym 3 days a week, benefiting those with a busy schedule.

This program will also allow you to do other activities in between the weight lifting sessions, leaving room to play sports, perform yoga or run.

Your recovery time will be increased putting less of a strain on your Central Nervous System. That way you will ensure greater growth, with the added rest time, and could help you avoid OTS (Over Training Syndrome.) Depending on your body, you may find the extra recovery time vital in your efforts to gain muscle, especially if you are lifting really heavy - an important factor in increasing muscle mass.

The 4 Week Program


  • Go HEAVY. Just because it is a full-body workout you still need to lift heavy.
  • Keep the workouts less than 60 minutes (read; don't sit around, too much.)
  • Each exercise should entail 2-4 sets.
  • Each set should feature 8-15 repetitions.
  • Adjust repetition count and weight according to your own abilities.
  • Focus on technique as opposed to speed.
    • Don't speed through the exercises, just decrease rest periods.
  • Feel free to super-set (perform two exercises back-to-back without rest.)
  • Take shorter breaks, to burn extra fat.
  • Don't like an exercise? Substitute it out for another one in that same muscle group.
    • Make sure every workout day covers the entire body, every major muscle.
  • Perform a full-body warm-up of dynamic stretching and biking/running prior to starting a workout day for 10-15 minutes. 
    • The warm-up doesn't include in the 60 minute time limit.
    • This initiates the fat-burning process and decreases the chances of injury.


Go through the first schedule the first 2 weeks.
Complete the second schedule the last 2 weeks, as illustrated below.

Week 1-2.
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Week 3-4.
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The Workouts:

Complete workouts #1-3 the first 2 weeks in accordance with the schedule.
Then complete workouts #4-6 the last 2 weeks in accordance with the schedule.

This workout plan is designed to give you as much variation as possible, through different muscle group orders as well as an array of exercises.

Workout #1 - Week 1-2.
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Workout #2 - Week 1-2.
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Workout #3 - Week 1-2.
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Workout #4 - Week 3-4.
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Workout #5 - Week 3-4.
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Workout #6 - Week 3-4
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You can save all images to your phone or computer.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me through Twitter @FitnessOracle.

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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Unforgettable Shoulders

A well-shaped set of shoulders significantly improve appearance, yet many lack the overall size and definition, of this body part, to match the rest of their physique.

Let's do something about that.

To achieve a completely developed body part it's vital to hit every part of that muscle, which most fitness enthusiasts don't manage to do.

The deltoid muscle, or shoulder, is divided into three parts:

  • Anterior Deltoid (Front of shoulder)
  • Posterior Deltoid (Back of shoulder)
  • Middle Deltoid (In between front & back)

It's common to see well-developed anterior deltoids, the front shoulder, but the posterior deltoid, the back shoulder, often falls short of matching that size, thereby creating an imbalanced muscle group.

There is nothing strange about this as two of the most popular exercises, specifically barbell bench press and push press, mainly develop the front part of the shoulder. To obtain impressive shoulders, however, it's important to shift the attention to all three of the shoulder 'heads.' I often perform specific exercises for the posterior deltoid, to make up for all the work I've done on my anterior deltoid via chest exercises and push press.

The Workout

   - 3 Sets of 12, 8 & 10 repetitions.
   - 1 Drop-set (Lower Weight and continue until failure, right after final set.)
      > Once your arms form a 90 degree angle, through the elbow, pause and go back up.

   - 3 Sets of 6-10 repetitions.
      > Pause at the top, when your arms are in 'fly-position,' for 5 seconds.

    - 3 Sets of 20-30 seconds with a desirable plate.
       > Keep your elbows at the same angle while maintaining strict posture.

    - 3 Sets of 10 repetitions.
       > Once the barbell is at your chin pause for 3 seconds, and slowly lower it again.

    - 2 Sets of 10 repetitions. 
       > Pause at the top, when your arms are in 'fly-position,' for 3 seconds.

If done with proper form and tempo this workout should leave you with a solid pump and a feeling of soreness the following day.

If you want further inspiration, please check out my exercise directory where you can find loads of shoulder exercises.

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Fitness Tips 101

To achieve your goals quicker, you have to continuously educate yourself. There are countless ways to improve your body, and I am here to preach those.

Monday, September 2, 2013

The Healthy Collection of Snacks

Snacking is good for you. It's really good for you, in fact. But only if it is of the healthy kind, of course. Eating snacks in between meals activates your metabolism and could also have additional health benefits, depending on the kind.

Do not substitute snacks for meals. Eating too many snacks will eliminate the benefits and could cause weight loss.

Here is a breakdown of snacks that benefit more than they harm, if eaten in appropriate amounts.

  • Positives:  High in protein and iron.
  • Negatives: High in fats. Contains sugar.
  • Positives: low in cholesterol, sodium and sugar. High in protein.
  • Negatives: High in fats.
Non-fat Plain Greek Yogurt
  • Positives: High in protein, Vitamin E and magnesium. Low in sodium and cholesterol.
  • Negatives: High in fats.
  • Positives: Low in saturated fats, sodium and cholesterol. High in dietary fiber, Vitamin A, C and K.
  • Negatives: The calories in peas are mainly from sugar.
  • Positives: Low in saturated fat and cholesterol. High in Vitamin A, C and K. Great source of dietary fiber and potassium.
  • Negatives: the calories in carrots are mainly from sugar.
Egg Whites
  • Positives: High in protein and Vitamin B12.
  • Negatives: High in sodium.
Sun Flower Seeds
  • Positives: Low in fat and cholesterol. High in protein.
  • Negatives: High in sodium.
  • Positives: High in dietary fiber, Vitamin C and K. Low in sodium, saturated fat and cholesterol.
  • Negatives: The calories in blueberries are mainly from sugar.
  • Positives: High in potassium, Vitamin B6, dietary fiber. Low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium.
  • Negatives: The calories in bananas are mainly from sugar.
Soy Chips
  • Positives: Low in saturated fat and cholesterol. High in protein and magnesium.
  • Negatives: High in sodium.
  • Positives: Low in sodium. High in dietary fiber, Vitamin C and K, protein and potassium.
  • Negatives: none significant.
Red Tomatoes
  • Positives: Low in sodium and saturated fat. High in Vitamin E, B6, A, C, K, potassium and dietary fiber.
  • Negatives: The calories in red tomatoes are mainly from sugar.

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Monday, August 26, 2013

My Six Pack Theory

It's one of the most desired traits for any human being, it's the definition of fit. But it doesn't come easy.

I get loads of questions about how I managed to get a six pack, so I decided to support others in their efforts of achieving this impressive feat. Read along.

The Exercises
This is the hardest part due to the many misconceptions and meaningless exercises. It took me years to find out exactly what I needed to do, to consistently develop my ab muscles, but then it clicked. I found out that a few specific ingredients in any abdominal exercise significantly improved my appearance:

  • Keep your head and legs off the ground throughout the exercise.
    • This way you're not resting any part of your core.
  • Use weight; why treat abdominal muscles different from any other muscle group?
    • You need size in your abs for them to appear. That won't happen without weight training.
  • Intensity: Do several exercises in a row with no break
    • Push yourself.
  • Extend your body as much as possible; it really improved my results.
    • Stretch your legs or arms out and above the ground.
    • By extending your body, you're activating your entire core.

This one is obvious. Depending on your genetics and gender you may need to obtain a body fat percentage of 10 or lower to visibly see the abdominal muscles. Needless to say, your diet has to be high in protein, low in fat, sugars and, of course, candy-free. If you need a little help in achieving a leaner body, please read here.

I believe in functional strength for a strong, balanced and sound body. Don't do the same things over and over, again. Try different ways to strengthen your body. I enjoy incorporating some jumping, running, basketball, tennis, soccer, or other athletic activities that really activate all the muscles in your body, into my workout program.

Whenever you're not sore; perform core strengthening exercise with the above tips. It's one of those muscles that require a lot of attention to develop. Eventually, you will be able to work them out 4-5 times a week. But don't underestimate 2 days of complete rest; your body needs time to recover and grow.


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Saturday, August 24, 2013

The 200 Rep Ab Challenge

Try out this ab circuit without taking a break in between exercises. If you struggle to reach the rep count during one of the exercises, just rest for 5 seconds, and go again.

Complete as many sets of it as you can. Feel free to rest in between sets.

Good luck!

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Sunday, August 18, 2013

Conquering Plateaus

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It's inevitable that you at a certain point will reach a plateau in your workout. You may stop seeing results or stall your progression in one way or another - it happens to all of us. The importance is figuring out why and what you can do to make your training efficient and ever-improving.

There could be many reasons as to why you're not progressing anymore - identify what your assumed cause is and then fix it by altering your lifestyle or workout routines.

Below I have identified options that can help you bust plateaus;

You will see very slim improvements without proper rest. Your sleeping pattern needs to be consistent - just like regular visits to the gym or your high school track. Your body needs time off from any type of physical activity to recover and grow. I strongly recommend 1-2 days a week of complete rest. Get off your feet, rest up on the couch or lay in bed all day. It's okay to be 'lazy' once in a while, your body needs it!

Push Yourself
You have to constantly get better. Each month you should have goals written down, so you're working towards achieving higher standards. Add 5 more lbs to your bench press set and aim for the same amount of reps you got last week. Try getting more reps of pull-up by doing half-way pull-ups. Don't get complacent and be satisfied with what you can now do - always try to get faster on the track or stronger in the gym. If you don't improve in your workouts, you body will remain the same.

Switch Up Your Workouts
The human body is a fascinating entity. It can basically adapt to any form of lifestyle over time, which is both good and bad. Unfortunately, that means it will get used to the same workout routines - so switch them up. Stick to the core exercises; squats, push press, dead lifts, cleans, snatches and bench press as they all build overall strength and size, but vary them. Perform drop-sets, pause-sets, hit high and low rep ranges or change up your grip. Don't do the same exercises, apart from the above mentioned core lifts, every single week. If you're a runner, don't just run the same 3 miles every other day; instead stop half-way through and do 30 lunges, or do 10 sprints with small breaks of jogging slowly midway through your run. You have to alter your workouts in one way or another all the time.

Get Proper Sleep
Just like having regular rest days, sleep is equally important. I recommend 7-8 hours of deep sleep every night. If you stay up until 2 A.M. every night I can ensure you that it will hurt your progress. It's vital that you have a consistent sleeping pattern - go to bed around the same time every single night and wake up around the same hour in the morning.

If you are eating unhealthy, you will not overcome any plateaus. Make sure you are at least getting your body weight in grams of protein. I am 193 lbs, so I attempt to consume at least 200 grams of protein every single day. I always suggest that most carbohydrates should come from vegetables as well. Eating smaller meals throughout the day, also, speeds up your metabolism. Drink plenty of water, at least a gallon a day. Constantly educate yourself on healthy eating to ensure you beat those plateaus and get better.

Stay Consistent
Don't fool yourself with excuses; you have to keep working out, you have to keep eating healthy and you have to get proper rest. Be patient; the results will come with time.

Identify Your Goals and Work Towards Achieving Them
If your goal is to get a bigger butt then find out what you can do to achieve that goal. Perform squats every week or super-set with lunges midway through your leg extensions. If you want a specific part of your biceps to get toned then find out which exercises you can perform to achieve that goal. If you want to shed fat then perform HIIT (Interval Training) In other words, you have to be smart about your training, that way you will constantly improve and avoid hitting plateaus.

If you have any questions find me on Twitter @FitnessOracle

Monday, August 12, 2013

Out of the Gym Workout: Body Weight Circuits

At times we are unable to reach a gym due to various obligations and that's why it's important to have body weight workouts available.

Below are 3 body weight circuits you can perform virtually anywhere.

Try doing each exercise without resting until you have completed the entire circuit. Then rest 1-2 minutes and repeat as many rounds as you are capable of, or switch to another circuit.  Feel free to adjust numbers and reps to fit your own fitness level. Good luck!

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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Static Stretching Routine

Static Stretching
Stretching is beneficial, but only if it's performed at the appropriate time. If you lift weights regularly you will experience stiffness and could feel rather uncomfortable, making stretching a necessity. Flexibility is also necessary to keep joints healthy, and we are all aware of what heavy weight lifting can do to your joints over time. Stretching also plays a key role in recovery, aiding that process, while foam rolling is just as effective.

I use dynamic stretching, movement with stretch,  routinely before I begin a workout. I also use static stretching, stationary position with stretch, immediately following exercise. It's a vital part of my recovery methods.

Dynamic stretching has been proven to increase flexibility in sports, while static stretching merely improves flexibility in those very stationary positions you're performing.

It's crucial to perform static stretching after the workout, as it can actually cause injury if performed before the muscles are properly activated and warmed up. Static stretching temporarily weakens your muscles and tendons, so save it for later as a post-workout routine.

Click each link for picture and description of exercise. Perform these static stretches for 20-30 seconds for each area, after your workout:
And remember, if you have any type of injury; a strain, a partially torn muscle or anything similar, it's extremely vital that you attempt to heal that injury by resting, icing and heating. Avoid stretching or massaging the injured area at all costs. Stretching injuries generally causes more harm than good.

Listen to your body!


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Motivation: Jesse Levine - The 1 Legged Natural Bodybuilder

Jesse Levine - Natural Bodybuilder.
Jesse Levine survived a devastating car accident on July 28th, 2004 - but not without serious injury. Losing control of his vehicle resulted in separating his car in half after hitting a tree. Jesse's leg was torn off his body from mid-thigh down. The right foot was flung far away from the wreck in one place, while the remaining leg ended up in a backyard.

Apart from losing his right leg, he also suffered a severely broken wrist, a shattered arm, a ruptured left achilles tendon, a shattered pelvis, vertebrae fractures and nerve damage in his left hand.

Jesse was saved by a stranger with medical training, who tied a tourniquet around his thigh with a belt. This stopped the bleeding, thereby saving his life. The incredible hero called an ambulance and left the scene before police arrived, without revealing his identity.

The doctors speculated that the individual who saved Jesse left the scene to avoid possible prosecution, being an EMT, in case Jesse didn't survive and the family wanted to sue.

Despite Jesse's efforts to get in touch with his life-saver, he has was never been able to find him.

Many would have found themselves in deep depression after this life changing event, but not this guy.

Originally Jesse just wanted to join the gym to spent time with his brother, but as time went on he managed to build his body back up, obtaining an incredible physique.

Eventually Mr. Levine was offered professional training to compete in bodybuilding. He now diets and workouts out disciplined and is completely drug-free.

Jesse wants to prove what is possible if you want it bad enough.

And he sure has.

Check out these links for additional information on Jesse Levine:


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Arm Blasting Workout - Destination: Toned Boulevard

Try out my arm blasting workout below. Just remember to shorten breaks, flex the targeted muscle and perform each set with controlled movements.

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Click the links below for an illustration of each exercise.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Get Shredded Abs with these Exercises

Performing a variety of ab exercises leads to an incredibly strong core. I complete an ab workout whenever my cores does not feel sore. That way I let my muscles recover and thereby allowing them to grow.

I try to perform as many exercises as I can in a row with no break in between, but don't forget to mix it up.

Here is a list of some of the exercises I enjoy. Give them a try.

Click each link for an illustration of the exercise.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

33 Ways to Become Leaner

Here are a bunch of good ideas to incorporate into a healthy lifestyle to obtain a leaner body:

1: Drink a full bottle of water when you awake to kick-start your metabolism.
2: Walk around every time you are on the phone.
3: Don’t drink Muscle Milk or any other pre-made protein shake. Read on the back; they often have as much fat as a hamburger from MacDonald’s!
4: Eat 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day to keep your metabolism going.
5: Change up your workouts regularly for optimal results in burning fat and gaining muscle.
6: Don’t add any condiments to your foods apart from pepper, cinnamon and a select few.
7: Don’t consume anything that comes in a can.
8: Stay completely away from bread.

9: Don’t spend more than an hour on the couch a day. Actively doing something around the house burns calories.
10: Drink green tea or take green tea extract to boost your metabolism.
11: ALWAYS eat breakfast.
12: Include protein in every meal to fire up your metabolism.
13: Eat more bananas; they speed up the fat burning process through potassium.
14: If you insist on snacking, do it as early as possible in the day.
15: Avoid carbohydrates at night.
16: Always take the stairs instead of the elevator.
17: Get 7-8 hours of sleep every night, through a regular sleeping pattern.
18: Take shorter rests in between sets. Try 30 seconds of rest between each set.
19: Don’t eat anything two hours prior to bedtime.
20: Muscle mass burns fat; lift weights regularly!
21: Perform interval training instead of steady paced cardio.
22: Get your carbohydrates from green vegetables instead of potatoes, bread, pasta or rice.
23: Cut off visible fat on your meats, before you cook them.
24: Work out your legs more. Leg exercises burn off belly fat.
25: Walk around during sets in the gym.
26: Eat spicy foods as they speed up your metabolism.
27: Eat healthy fats, from almonds for example.
28: Cook all the food you eat from scratch. Stay far away from processed foods.
29: Drink at least a gallon of water spread out through each day.
30: Don’t eat protein bars. Read the nutritional facts to find out the truth about these.
31: Use fat-free cooking spray on your pans as opposed to oils.
32: Drink water to feel fuller before you eat.
33: Consume all food slowly.

You're welcome,


Saturday, July 27, 2013

Healthy Recipe: Spinach Salad with Tuna

Try this awesome salad as a healthy post-workout meal:

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Pull out a big bowl with plenty of room. Drain the can of tuna in water, half way, leaving a little water for moisture in the salad. Pour the tuna into the bowl and separate it with a fork.

Chop your 6 almonds into smaller pieces, while finely chopping a small red union. Larger slices of red union will dominate the flavor too much, so ensure that they are cut into very small pieces. Boil a handful of green beans and chop them all in half. Grab a big handful of spinach leaves and throw all the ingredients into the bowl. Stir the content around until it is properly mixed.

You can add fresh pepper in the end as desired.



Thursday, July 25, 2013

Interval Training - Effective Fat Burning Technique

Tired of running on the treadmill for hours? Good. Interval training is much more effective as it burns fat up to 24 hours post-workout. A cardio session at a steady running pace of over 30 minutes assures that you burn off your muscles. Why is that important? Because muscles actually burn fat.

Interval Training (HIIT) aims to raise and lower your heart rate continuously through 15-20 minutes per session.

As a better alternative to steady-paced cardio try out interval training on a treadmill, stationary bike or on a good running surface:

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This is a very tough workout, so adjust to your own sprint pace. Work your way up to full out sprints.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Fat Burning Circuit

I use these type of circuits at the end of my workout to shave off fat. They are designed to quickly raise and lower your heart rate in a short time. This is similar to interval training - one of the most efficient techniques to burn fat. Give it a shot.

Don't be scared to repeat the circuit several times or adjusting the repetitions to fit your own fitness level.

Have fun!
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The Window of Opportunity - Protein intake

There are many facts, and many myths, in the nutritional realm but none are perhaps more recognized than “the Window of Opportunity.” The idea that a window of time appears immediately after a workout, closing within 30 minutes post-workout, where protein intake is crucial and seemingly becomes more effective if taken within this time period.

So, do we just blindly accept this nutritional theory? Or do we choose to question the information we gather as we continuously progress in exercising and dieting techniques.

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But lets think about this phenomenon using logic. What foods/liquids of nutritional value do you know take immediate effect?

You don’t become hydrated after a wet night out with friends by drinking two water bottles the morning after; it takes time to reach appropriate levels, again. You don’t get lean because you eat healthy and eliminate all snacks for a week, it takes time. As does anything of nutritional value you put into your body - and that does not exclude protein.

Protein is stored in your body, so that it is ready for use whenever it is needed. The body does not absorb the protein immediately following a workout. It does not obtain it that fast, nor does it really matter whether you receive protein immediately after. Why? Because it will take from what it already has stored and ready to go, as opposed to waiting until the post-workout protein has run its course through the body’s system. That's why its crucial to constantly feed yourself with proper nutrition. If you have been starving yourself for days, one protein shake won’t do anything to help repair your muscles, but the chicken, eggs and fish from yesterday and the day before that will.


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Over Training Syndrome (OTS)

Exercising becomes a lifestyle, it becomes a part of every day life for those engaged in living a healthy life. It can, however, also become too much.

The Over Training Syndrome (OTS) occurs for endurance athletes and weightlifters when the Central Nervous System has been exhausted. It can hit anyone who is committed to exercising. The body is in complete overdrive and therefore does not have adequate time to recover completely.

The first sign that a break is needed is often signaled through reaching plateaus in your workouts. When this occurs it is crucial that you take time off, by either complete taking a break or by lessening the volume. If you don't you will overexert your Central Nervous System leading to a variety of symptoms caused by the OTS.

High volume training is important to improve performance for shorter intervals of time, but there has to be a de-load period immediately afterwards, which allows the body to recuperate.

I want to shed light on the symptoms to help all of you avoid the dark pit that is the OTS.

Note that these can occur at different stages of the OTS and you may not experience all of them, but only a select few.

Click to enhance size.

Be healthy and exercise, but be aware of the dangers associated with excessive training.

Healthy Recipe: Greek Yogurt with Fruits

Breakfast is the most vital meal of the day. The body is deprived of nutrition, having slept for seven to eight hours with no food or liquid intake. I always start out the day with a full bottle of water, immediately kick starting my metabolism, but we also need solid foods.

One of my favorites, at the moment, is plain non-fat Greek Yogurt from Chobani. It swiftly provides energy and protein to an empty stomach, feeding the muscles fuel. The nutritional facts speak for themselves:

Per serving (8 ounces or 225 grams.)
- 0 grams of fat.
- 23 grams of protein.
- 9 grams of carbohydrates.

Non-fat plain Greek Yogurt is a diary product, providing essential ingredients for muscle building, while it also gives us calcium, feeding our bones with its favorite food.

My own recipe is simple and short. Try it for breakfast, but limit it to twice a week due to its relatively high sugar content of about 9 grams per serving, excluding the sugar from fruits.

- 8 Ounces of Chobani plain non-fat Greek Yogurt.
- One banana.
- 2-3 strawberries.
- One handful of blueberries.

Cut the banana and strawberries into small slices and mix all the content into a bowl. Consume slowly.


Monday, July 22, 2013

Killer Chest Workout with Drop-Sets

Get incredible pumps with drop-sets.
The number of repetitions in my workouts are never set at a specific number; I always strive to perform as many reps as I possibly can with the weight I choose. I do, however, aim at a range by selecting a weight I am familiar with and that will hit that specific range. Gaining muscle mass and achieving a lean body is all about using heavy weight for as many repetitions as you can with good form, of course. If you at any point fail to perform the proper form you should immediately drop the weight – you have done what you were capable of.

To further push myself I always incorporate drop-sets into every exercise. I do this in several ways, but my favorite way to do this is by selecting a lower weight as a final set of an exercise and repping it out until my form fails. Always perform the single drop-set immediately after your ‘real’ final set. Often, I also perform 3 drop-sets in a row, by selecting three lighter weights, for example: 70-60-45 lbs. I line these 3 lighter weights up and then rep out each one until failure, right after one another. This gives you unbelievable pumps, which is what you should strive for every time you hit the gym.

Check out this killer chest workout, incorporating some of the techniques described above.

Flat Bench Dumbbell Press – Flex your chest as much as you can and increase weight each set.
                Set 1: 12-15 Reps.
                Set 2: 10-12 Reps.
                Set 3: 8-10 Reps.
                Set 4: 4-6 Reps.
                Drop-set: Select light weight, rep out until failure, right after 4th set.

Incline Dumbbell Fly’s – Squeeze the two dumbbells together at the top, forcing you to flex your chest. Thumbs point towards each other the whole time.
                Set 1: 10-12 Reps.
                Set 2: 10-12 Reps.
                Set 3: 10-12 Reps.
                Drop-set: Push-ups until failure right after 3rd set.

Decline Dumbbell Press (One big Super-Set.)
Pick 5 different weights, lowering the weight each set – No break in between sets.
                Set 1: Rep out until form collapses.
                Set 2: Rep out until form collapses.
                Set 3: Rep out until form collapses.
                Set 4: Rep out until form collapses.
                Set 5: Rep out until form collapses.

Standing Cable Fly’s
                Set 1: 15-25 Reps – squeeze your chest in the middle.
                Set 2: Push-ups – until failure, right after 1st set. Then take 90 seconds off.
                Set 3: 15-25 Reps – squeeze your chest in the middle.
                Set 4: Push-ups – until failure, right after 3rd set.