Thursday, September 5, 2013

Unforgettable Shoulders

A well-shaped set of shoulders significantly improve appearance, yet many lack the overall size and definition, of this body part, to match the rest of their physique.

Let's do something about that.

To achieve a completely developed body part it's vital to hit every part of that muscle, which most fitness enthusiasts don't manage to do.

The deltoid muscle, or shoulder, is divided into three parts:

  • Anterior Deltoid (Front of shoulder)
  • Posterior Deltoid (Back of shoulder)
  • Middle Deltoid (In between front & back)

It's common to see well-developed anterior deltoids, the front shoulder, but the posterior deltoid, the back shoulder, often falls short of matching that size, thereby creating an imbalanced muscle group.

There is nothing strange about this as two of the most popular exercises, specifically barbell bench press and push press, mainly develop the front part of the shoulder. To obtain impressive shoulders, however, it's important to shift the attention to all three of the shoulder 'heads.' I often perform specific exercises for the posterior deltoid, to make up for all the work I've done on my anterior deltoid via chest exercises and push press.

The Workout

   - 3 Sets of 12, 8 & 10 repetitions.
   - 1 Drop-set (Lower Weight and continue until failure, right after final set.)
      > Once your arms form a 90 degree angle, through the elbow, pause and go back up.

   - 3 Sets of 6-10 repetitions.
      > Pause at the top, when your arms are in 'fly-position,' for 5 seconds.

    - 3 Sets of 20-30 seconds with a desirable plate.
       > Keep your elbows at the same angle while maintaining strict posture.

    - 3 Sets of 10 repetitions.
       > Once the barbell is at your chin pause for 3 seconds, and slowly lower it again.

    - 2 Sets of 10 repetitions. 
       > Pause at the top, when your arms are in 'fly-position,' for 3 seconds.

If done with proper form and tempo this workout should leave you with a solid pump and a feeling of soreness the following day.

If you want further inspiration, please check out my exercise directory where you can find loads of shoulder exercises.

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